Pleasing to solve. For purposes of originality, note that this setting is rather similar to Alain Brobecker, French Retro Solving Championship 2021, which has the same stipulation with solution 1.c4 g5 2.Qa4 Bg7 3.Qxd7+ Rf8 4.Qxd8.
Carve & Colour: All the pieces are unspecified, and need to be "carved" to make the correct orthodox pieces
Pleasing to solve. For purposes of originality, note that this setting is rather similar to Alain Brobecker, French Retro Solving Championship 2021, which has the same stipulation with solution 1.c4 g5 2.Qa4 Bg7 3.Qxd7+ Rf8 4.Qxd8.
Carve & Colour: All the pieces are unspecified, and need to be "carved" to make the correct orthodox pieces