Welcome to the Awards Section!
Here are the award articles for non-retro problems. We are very grateful to our judges, Barry Barnes & Kenneth Solja for their excellent work!
Now here are all the award-winning problems!
1-2 Pr e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(6+6) H#2 (2 solutions) Breton
1-2 Pr e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(5+9) H#3 (3 solutions) Grasshoppers
1 HM Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(5+1) H#2 (2 solutions) Neutrals
2 HM Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(6+6+2) H#2 (2 solutions) Neutrals, Pao, Vao, Nao.
4 HM Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(3+2) H#3.5 (2 solutions) Platzwechsel Circe Grasshoppers
Comm e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(5+3) H#2.5 Take & Make Grasshoppers e2,e3 b) bPb2 --> c2 c) bPb2 --> d2
Comm e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(3+2) H#2 Sentinels b) +bPc4
Comm e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(1+6+3) H#2 Neutrals b) bKb5 --> h2
Guy Sobrecases (France)
Comm e.a. Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(3+2) H#4 Grasshoppers b) Ge1 --> f2 c) = b) & Kh1 --> h8 d) = c) & Kf5 --> f8
2 Pr Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(9+7) #2 Immune Chess, Vaos, Double Grasshoppers
1 HM Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(8+11) R#2 Mao h6 Pao h8,a7,f7,b5 Vao a8,f1
2 HM Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(7+13) R#2 Leo f5 Pao f3 Vao e5,f4
Comm e.a. Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(1+4) ser-H#8 (3 solutions) Grasshoppers, no wK
Sp Comm e.a. Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
S#13 Xiangqi
Sp Comm e.a. Non-Helpmate Fairies 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(1+63) NoMoreKings Starting Piece: Rh8
1-4 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(10+5) #2 (3 solutions)
1-4 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(3+2) Add a Black officer for a sound H#2 b) wBa1 --> b2
1-4 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(2+1) White to move. Add bK so that Black wins b) wKh7 --> h2
Joaquim Crusats (Spain)
5-12 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(7+10) #6
5-12 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 30-Dec-2022
(11+5) H=2 (5 solutions)
5-12 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(10+6) #2 b) bKd3 <--> wPe3
5-12 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(3+9) H#3.5 (2 solutions)
13-17 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 25-Jun-2022
(8+10) H#3 b) wBh7 --> h5
13-17 Place e.a. Orthodox Problems 2021-22
The Hopper 24-Dec-2021
(3+6) HS#2.5 (2 solutions)