OP064: Neal Turner (Finland)
Original 28-Dec-2024
white Ge5 Ne4 Kf3 black Pd7e6f5 Kd5
(3+4) H#4 Grasshopper e5, Nightrider e4
Click on right/left of diagram
to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Grasshopper: Moves in queen directions, but the penultimate square must be occupied by a piece (the "hurdle") which can be of either colour and is unaffected by the move.

Nightrider: A rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight's move away from each other

OP064: Neal Turner (Finland)
Original 28-Dec-2024
white Ge5 Ne4 Kf3 black Pd7e6f5 Kd5
(3+4) H#4 Grasshopper e5, Nightrider e4
Click on right/left of diagram
to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Grasshopper: Moves in queen directions, but the penultimate square must be occupied by a piece (the "hurdle") which can be of either colour and is unaffected by the move.

Nightrider: A rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight's move away from each other

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