SS024: Brian Stephenson (UK)
Original 24-Dec-2021
white Sh1d7 Kg4 VAf4 Pd4h5 LEf5 black Ph2e4d5h6f6h7 Kg2 PAf3 Re3 Bg5 VAe5 Sg6e6
(7+13) R#2 Leo f5 Pao f3 Vao e5,f4
Click on right/left of diagram
to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Chinese Family:
Leo: The Chinese Queen that moves like a normal Queen but captures like a Lion
Mao: The Chinese Knight which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight (first orthognally, then diagonally)
Nao: The Chinese Nightrider that moves like a normal nightrider but captures like a Lion on Nightrider Lines only
Pao: The Chinese Rook that moves like a normal rook but captures like a Lion on Rook Lines only
Vao: The Chinese Bishop that moves like a normal bishop but captures like a Lion on Bishop Lines only

SS024: Brian Stephenson (UK)
Original 24-Dec-2021
white Sh1d7 Kg4 VAf4 Pd4h5 LEf5 black Ph2e4d5h6f6h7 Kg2 PAf3 Re3 Bg5 VAe5 Sg6e6
(7+13) R#2 Leo f5 Pao f3 Vao e5,f4
Click on right/left of diagram to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Chinese Family:
Leo: The Chinese Queen that moves like a normal Queen but captures like a Lion
Mao: The Chinese Knight which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight (first orthognally, then diagonally)
Nao: The Chinese Nightrider that moves like a normal nightrider but captures like a Lion on Nightrider Lines only
Pao: The Chinese Rook that moves like a normal rook but captures like a Lion on Rook Lines only
Vao: The Chinese Bishop that moves like a normal bishop but captures like a Lion on Bishop Lines only

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