SS017: Michael Barth (Germany)
StrateGems 2021
white Gf1e2d3h8e8 Sg2b5 Bh5e6 Pe5b7 Rb6 Kh7 black Pb3f6d6 Ke4
(13+4) #2 Take & Make Grasshoppers f1,e2,d3,e8,h8
Click on right/left of diagram
to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Take & Make: When taking a piece, the capturing piece must move like the captured piece after it has been captured (temporarily) R

Grasshopper: Moves in queen directions, but the penultimate square must be occupied by a piece (the "hurdle") which can be of either colour and is unaffected by the move.

SS017: Michael Barth (Germany)
StrateGems 2021
white Gf1e2d3h8e8 Sg2b5 Bh5e6 Pe5b7 Rb6 Kh7 black Pb3f6d6 Ke4
(13+4) #2 Take & Make Grasshoppers f1,e2,d3,e8,h8
Click on right/left of diagram to move forward/back in animation.
Click for Solution:

Take & Make: When taking a piece, the capturing piece must move like the captured piece after it has been captured (temporarily) R

Grasshopper: Moves in queen directions, but the penultimate square must be occupied by a piece (the "hurdle") which can be of either colour and is unaffected by the move.

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